======================================= How to deploy project on PythonAnywhere ======================================= * Use pip to install Jam.py. To do this, open the bash console and run the following command (for Python 3.7): .. code-block:: console pip3.7 install --user jam.py * Create a zip archive of your project folder, upload the archive in the **Files** tab and unzip it. We assume that you are registered as *username* and your project is now located in the */home/username/project_folder* directory. * Open the **Web** Tab. Add a new web app. In the Code section specify * Source code: */home/username/project_folder* * Working directory: */home/username/project_folder* In the WSGI configuration file:/var/www/username_pythonanywhere_com_wsgi.py file add the following code .. code-block:: py import os import sys path = '/home/username/project_folder' if path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(path) from jam.wsgi import create_application application = create_application(path) * Reload the server.