======================================== How to save edit form without closing it ======================================== You can do it by adding a button that will save the record without closing the edit form. Below is examples for synchronous and asynchronous cases. .. code-block:: js function on_edit_form_created(item) { var save_btn = item.add_edit_button('Save and continue'); save_btn.click(function() { if (item.is_changing()) { item.post(); try { item.apply(); } catch (e) { item.alert_error(error); } item.edit(); } }); } .. code-block:: js function on_edit_form_created(item) { var save_btn = item.add_edit_button('Save and continue'); save_btn.click(function() { if (item.is_changing()) { item.disable_edit_form(); item.post(); item.apply(function(error){ if (error) { item.alert_error(error); } item.edit(); item.enable_edit_form(); }); } }); }