==================== Jam.py documentation ==================== How the documentation is organized ================================== Here is an overview of how the documentation is organized, to help you find out where to look for specific things: :doc:`Getting started ` topics describe how to install the framework, create a new project, develop a web application step-by-step, and deploy it. :doc:`Programming guides` discuss key topics and concepts at a fairly high level and provide useful background information and explanation. :doc:`Business application builder ` is a detailed description of the Application Builder used for application development and database administration. :doc:`Class reference guides ` contain technical reference for Jam.py classes APIs. :doc:`FAQ ` topics covers most frequently asked questions. :doc:`How to ` contains code examples that can be useful to quickly accomplish common tasks. Or visit the :doc:`table of contents ` or even `Jam.py Application Design Tips`_. .. _`Jam.py Application Design Tips`: https://jampyapplicationbuilder.com/tips/ To download this document as a single PDF, please visit: https://jampy-docs.readthedocs.io/_/downloads/en/latest/pdf/ The PDF is built instantly after every commit into the repository. Hence, some data on this site might be older than the PDF. Video Tutorials =============== If you are new to Jam.py, we highly recommend that you watch these video tutorials. It is recommended to watch these videos with a resolution of 1080p Tutorial 1 - `Working with files and images`_ .. _`Working with files and images`: https://youtu.be/9rFXPyfN0Hg Tutorial 2 - `Working with details`_ .. _`Working with details`: https://youtu.be/sbvxE-vEfsM Tutorial 3 - `Users, roles, audit trail/change history`_ .. _`Users, roles, audit trail/change history`: https://youtu.be/60LiWZa0CpY Tutorial 4 - `Task tree`_ .. _`Task tree`: https://youtu.be/hsSKqEh6vL4 Tutorial 5 - Forms_ .. _Forms: https://youtu.be/3sh-TSt52P0 Tutorial 6 - `Form events`_ .. _`Form events`: https://youtu.be/DY463lcv0R4 Tutorial 7 - `Data aware controls`_ .. _`Data aware controls`: https://youtu.be/fMTq8P4XdGw Tutorial 8 - `Datasets`_ .. _`Datasets`: https://youtu.be/gHTYj7h9ljI Tutorial 9 - `Datasets Part 2`_ .. _`Datasets Part 2`: https://youtu.be/1bUGmgBfrNw Tutorial 10 - `Fields and filters`_ .. _`Fields and filters`: https://youtu.be/ahXqlZrA0fQ Tutorial 11 - `Client-server interactions`_ .. _`Client-server interactions`: https://youtu.be/nLOhdA2FX0I Tutorial 12 - `Working with data on the server`_ .. _`Working with data on the server`: https://youtu.be/dDK78lIjHHY