========== Index.html ========== When user opens a Jam.py application in a Web browser, the browser first loads the *index.html* file. This file is located in the root directory of a project. .. image:: /admin/_images/index_html.png :align: center :alt: index.html It is the usual html file containing links to **css** and **js** files, that client application is using. The files that start with **jam** are located in the *jam* folder of the Jam.py package directory on the server. For example .. code-block:: html If needed, other files can be added here. For example some charting library. It is better to place them in the *js* and *css* folders of the *static* directory of the project. For example .. code-block:: html The *index.html* ``body`` tag have a ``div`` with class ``templates``, that contains html templates of the project forms. See :doc:`Forms ` and :doc:`Form templates `. for details. At the end of the file there is a following script: .. code-block:: html In this script the :doc:`load ` method of the task, that has been created when *jam.js* file was loaded, is called that loads information about the :doc:`task tree ` from the server and, based on this information, builds its tree, loads modules, assigns event handlers to its items and triggers :doc:`on_page_loaded ` event. See :doc:`Initializing application `