==== view ==== .. js:function:: view(container) **domain**: client **language**: javascript **class** :doc:`Item class ` Description =========== Use ``view`` method to create a view form of the item. The method check if the javascript modules of the item and its owner are loaded, and if not (the **Dynamic JS modules loading** :doc:`parameter of the project ` is set) then loads them. If ``container`` parameter (Jquery object of the DOM element) is specified the view form html template is inserted in the container. If the :doc:`init_tabs ` method of the task is called for this conainer the tab is created for this form. After that it calls the :doc:`create_view_form ` method Example ======= In the following code the view for of the **Tasks** journal is created in the on_page_loaded event handler: .. code-block:: js function on_page_loaded(task) { $("#title").html(task.item_caption); if (task.safe_mode) { $("#user-info").text(task.user_info.role_name + ' ' + task.user_info.user_name); $('#log-out') .show() .click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); task.logout(); }); } task.init_tabs($("#content")); task.tasks.view($("#content")); $(window).on('resize', function() { resize(task); }); } See also ======== :doc:`Forms ` :doc:`view_form ` :doc:`view_options ` :doc:`create_view_form ` :doc:`close_view_form `