
on_login(task, form_data, info)

domain: server

language: python

class Task class


Use on_login to override default login procedure using Application Builder Users table.

task parameter is a reference to the task tree.

form_data is a dictionary containing the values that the user entered in the inputs in the login form. The keys of the dictionary are name attributes of the inputs.

info parameter is a dictionary with the following attributes:

  • ip is the ip address of the request

  • session_uuid is uuid of the session that will be created.

The event handler must return the dictionary with the following attributes:

  • user_id - the unique id of the user

  • user_name - user name

  • role_id - ID of the role defined in the Roles

  • role_name - role name

The login form is located in the index.html file. You can add your own custom inputs and get their values using form_data parameter

<form id="login-form" target="dummy" class="form-horizontal" data-caption="Log in">
    <div class="control-group">
        <label class="control-label" for="input-login">Login</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <input type="text" id="input-login" name="login" tabindex="1" placeholder="login">
    <div class="control-group">
        <label class="control-label" for="input-password">Password</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <input type="password" id="input-password" name="password" tabindex="2"
                placeholder="password" autocomplete="on">
    <div class="form-footer">
        <input type="submit" class="btn expanded-btn pull-right" id="login-btn" value="OK" tabindex="3">


In this example user information is stored in the table of the Users item in the project database:

def on_login(task, form_data, info):
    users = task.users.copy(handlers=False)
    if users.rec_count == 1:
        if task.check_password_hash(users.password_hash.value, form_data['password']):
            return {
                'user_id': users.id.value,
                'user_name': users.name.value,
                'role_id': users.role.value,
                'role_name': users.role.display_text

See also



